Marketing Management in China比較
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內容簡介: 博客來網路書店Marketing Management in China brings the landmark work of marketing gurus, Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller to China.This edition, adapted by Professor Taihong Lu of Sun Yat-sen University, takes a journey into a truly Chinese vista of marketing management. With content, language, and presentation shaped to the demands of the world’s fastest burge博客來書店oning economy, this is one textbook that marketing students of the new millennium cannot do without.
博客來網路書局Concise content — An effort has been made to keep the content concise to help students grasp key concepts quickly. Brevity has been achieved by keeping the content relevant to the Chinese context, having taken into account the subtleties between local and foreign consumer behaviors, market environments.
Clear, accessible language — The use of simple and clear English facilitates critical understanding of the text.
博客來Visual learning aids — Vivid illustrations, diagrams and tables complement the text at apt junctures, aiding comprehension. At the same time, visual learning cues help summarize important points.
Strong selection of international and Chinese cases
Finding quality China-context cases that are current is challenging for most instructors. This adaptation provides hard-to-find and well-researched China cases that offer insights while covering a wide variety of contexts, spanning international companies operating in China to Chinese companies that are beginning to venture overseas.Percentage of case contexts:
30% China companies in China context (Baidu, Vanke, Guomi)
15% China companies in international context (Huawei, Haier)
15% international companies in China context (P&G, Wal-mart, Dell)
40% international companies in international context (Coco-cola, Microsoft)
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Kotler
- 出版社:華泰文化 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2009/01/01
- 語言:英文
Marketing Management in China比較
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